Which Company Will Conduct RRB Exam 2024?

Which Company Will Conduct RRB Exam 2024?
RRB Exams

Every year tender is given to companies for conducting railway exams. This article will discuss which company will conduct the ALP, Technician, and NTPC exams this year.

Two days ago tender document was issued by RRB, in which the railway offered the companies to fill the tender for organizing exams.

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Unlike previous times, Railway has not issued different tenders for different exams, instead, there is only one tender issued this time for all the exams. The reason behind it is the wastage of time in conducting different exams and not following the calendar.

Companies Interested

3 companies have applied for the tender which are as follows:

  • TCS iON
  • Eduquity Career Technologies Private Limited

Many students may know about NSEIT as this company has been blacklisted at many places. NSEIT got the tender for Group D exams in 2019 but it failed to conduct the exams successfully. Infrastructure of this company is not good and it has failed to conduct many papers.

Then comes the Eququity Career Technologies Private Limited. This company is not that much heard and its chances of getting the tender are less.

Much chances of getting the tender is of TCS. Its a very reputed company and compared to the other 2 companies, RRB will prefer to give the tender to TCS.

How Tender is Decided?

Let’s discuss on what basis RRB gives tender to companies. So, mainly there are two basis which are as follows:

Technical Bid

In this types of bid, technicalities of a company are seen by the RRB. It includes infrastructure, how much exams the company has conducted, experience, how much successful exams it had conducted, etc.

Financial Bid

After technical bid, RRB sees the financial bid. In this type of bid, companies offer the amount under which it will conduct the exam.

For example, if RRB is offering 200 crores to conduct the exam, and a company is bidding that it can conduct the exam under 180 crores, then it is more likely to win the financial bid and get the tender.

Companies like NSEIT got the tender in 2019 because of the financial bid but after it’s failure in conducting the exam, the tender was given to TCS.

This year, the tender amount 419 crores. Most likely, TCS is going to win the tender because of both the technical as well as financial bid.

Types of Exams Conducted

  • Senior Section Engineer & Junior Engineer Group
  • Non-Technical Popular Category Group (Graduate Level)
  • Non-Technical Popular Category Group (Under Graduate Level)
  • Paramedical Categories Group
  • Assisstant Loco Pilot and Technicians
  • Ministerial and Isolated Categories Group
  • Level-1 Post (Erstwhile Group D Categories)
  • RPF Constable/SI
  • GDCE


It can be concluded that based on the experience, infrastructure, and past record TCS is going to win the tender and it will conduct the exam. NSEIT is very unlikely to win the tender due to its past failure in conducting the exams.

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