Best Way to Prepare For Economics Exam?

Best Way to Prepare For Economics Exam?
Best Way to Prepare For Economics Exam?

Economics is one of the most important subjects in classes 11 and 12. In this article, we are going to talk about the best way to prepare for an Economics exam.

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Knowledge Vs. Presentation

Never ever confuse your preparation with the presentation you will do in the answer sheet. Presentation plays a major role as no one sees how much knowledge you have in your mind, but the teacher only see what you have done in the answer sheet.

You can read this article for how to improve your presentation in the answer sheet, but in this article, we will only focus on the best way to prepare for the Economics Exam.

Knowing the Syllabus

You cannot prepare well if you don’t know the exact syllabus and the marks distribution of each chapter in that subject.

It may have also happened with you that, you prepared for a chapter and after the exam you realised that chapter didn’t come. It happens mainly because we don’t give any importance to know what the syllabus is.

You can see class 11 and class 12 Economics syllabus for 2024-25 session from here:

Best Way to Prepare for Economics Exam?

In Economics, there is 60-70 percent theory and remaining practical. The best way to study entirely depends upon the time you have. We will look at different time frames.

You have 6 months left to Prepare for Economics?

6 months is a big time to prepare for Economics. Don’t pressurise yourself much if you have this much time. The best thing is to study daily if you have 6 months left.

Allocate your days to different books like MWF for Microeconomics and TTS for Statistics. If you can afford, you can go to tuition also but I’d recommend not to go tuition for Economics as you can understand it easily if you study on your own with focus.

Studying regularly for 6 months is one thing, but the main problem students face is that they know the concept but when it comes to writing answers they just go blank on what to write.

That’s why after each week, you should give tests to what you have studied. This way you will know how to write answers to questions from what you have learnt.

You have 1 Month left to Prepare for Economics?

Now, this becomes a little hard. You want to score more than 95 in exam and you just have 1 month to do it all. I mean you have studied the whole year but you know only 30-40% of each concept.

In this time, again you need to prepare a time schedule for yourself. By time schedule, I don’t mean you need to schedule your each hour of the day, I hate that thing. You need to align a chapter to day.

For example: You calculated there are total 25 chapters in Economics, so you can align 1 chapter to each day. This way you will complete 25 chapters in 25 days and it won’t be that difficult to complete one chapter in a day.

Complete Practical Chapters First

Firstly, study and prepare your practical chapters like National Income or Elasticity of Demand as these requires practice and you can not do them on the last day.

Theory chapters could be done in last 2-3 days like demand, revenue, etc. So, always try to do theory subjects nearer to the date of exam so that you remember in exam what you have learnt.

So, this was all about best way to prepare for Economics Exam. If you have any doubts or want to know anything else, you can write in the comments.

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