Admission of a Partner Class 12 Notes

Admission of a Partner Class 12 Notes
Admission of a Partner

Admission of a partner leads to many changes in the partnership business. Here are the admission of a partner class 12 notes.

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Calculation of New Profit Sharing Ratio

New Ratio = Old Ratio – Sacrificing Ratio

Sacrificing Ratio = Old Ratio – New Ratio

Gaining Ratio = New Ratio – Old Ratio

Accounting Treatment of Goodwill

  • When the amount of premium of goodwill is paid privately: No Entry
  • When the amount of premium for goodwill is brought by the new partner in cash:
    Cash A/c Dr.
    To Premium for Goodwill A/c
    Premium for Goodwill A/c Dr.
    To Sacrificing Partner’s Capital A/c
    If the premium of goodwill is withdrawn:
    Partner’s Capital A/c Dr.
    To Cash A/c
  • When a new partner is not able to bring a premium in cash:
    C’s Current A/c Dr.
    To A’s Capital A/c
    To B’s Capital A/c

Note: If there is any already existing goodwill it is to be written off immediately.
Old Partner’s Capital A/c Dr.
To Goodwill A/c

Reserves and Accumulated Profit/Loss

It should be distributed among all
partners in their old ratio (unless otherwise specified). The entry will be:
Accumulated Profit/Reserve A/c Dr.
To Old Partners Capital/Current A/c
(in old ratio)
If partners do not want to distribute then the entry will be:
Gaining Partner’s Capital/Current A/c Dr.
To Sacrificing Partner’s Capital A/c
In case of loss reverse entry is passed.In case of loss reverse entry will be passed.

Note: The profits that have been accumulated over the years and have not been credited to the partner’s capital/current A/c are called accumulated profits.

The losses that have not been debited to the partner’s capital/current A/c are called accumulated losses.

Revaluation A/c

Revaluation A/c is prepared to ascertain the profit or loss on revaluation of assets and liabilities at the time of reconstitution of the firm.

Nature of Revaluation A/c: Nominal A/c

Revaluation A/c Debited withRevaluation A/c Credited with
Decrease in Value of Assets
Increase in Value of Liabilities
Recording Unrecorded Liabilities
Payment of Unrecorded Liabilities
Increase in Value of Assets
Decrease in Value of Liabilities
Recording Unrecorded Assets
Sale of Unrecorded Assets
Revaluation A/c Dr.
To Decrease the value of assets
To Increase the value of liabilities
To Unrecorded Liabilities
To Cash/Bank A/c
Increase in the value of assets Dr.
Decrease in the value of liabilities Dr.
Unrecorded Assets Dr.
Cash/Bank A/c Dr.
To Revaluation A/c
Revaluation A/c

Distribute the profit/loss between old partners in their old profit-sharing ratio.

In case of Profit:

Revaluation A/c Dr.
To Old Partner’s Capital/Current A/c (Old Ratio)

In case of Loss:

Old Partner’s Capital/Current A/c Dr.
To Revaluation A/c (Old Ratio)

Adjustment of Capitals

Method 1: Calculation of new or incoming partner’s capital based on the old partner’s capital

Step 1: Calculate the total capital of the new firm as follows:

Combined adjusted capitals of old partners * Reciprocal of remaining profit share of old partners

Step 2: Calculate the proportionate capital of the new partner as follows:

Total Capital of the new firm * New partner’s proportion of share of profit

Method 2: Adjustment of the old partner’s capital based on the new partner’s capital

Step 1: Calculate the total capital of the new firm as follows:

New Partner’s Capital * Reciprocal of the proportion of the share of profit of a new partner

Step 2: Calculate the new capital of old partners by dividing the total capital by their new profit-sharing ratio.

Step 3: Calculate the surplus/deficiency in each of the old partners’ capital accounts by comparing the new capital with their adjusted old capital, which is adjusted through cash A/c or is transferred to their current A/c.

Hidden Goodwill

Hidden goodwill is the excess of the desired capital of the firm based on a new partner over the actual combined capital of partners including new partners.

Hidden Goodwill = Desired total capital of the new firm – Capital of all partners

Desired total capital of the new firm = New partner’s capital * Reciprocal of his share

Capital of all partners = Adjusted capital of old partners + Capital of a new partner

Adjusted capital means capital of old partners after adjustments like accumulated profit/loss & reserves, fictitious assets, revaluation effects, etc.

Important Notes

  • The amount of general reserve and accumulated profits are transferred to the capital or current accounts of existing partners in their old ratio.
  • The accumulated losses are written off from the capital or current A/c of existing partners in their old ratio.
  • Specific funds like workmen compensation fund, investment fluctuation fund, etc. more than actual obligation, the surplus amount is transferred to the capital A/c of existing partners in their old ratio, and the deficit, if any, is debited to revaluation A/c.
  • Some reserves are never distributed between partners like employees’ provident fund, employees saving A/c, provision for taxation reserve and provision for depreciation, etc.
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