Cash Flow Statement Class 12 Notes

Small Business and Entrepreneurship Class 11 Notes
Financial Statements

A cash flow statement shows inflows(receipts) & outflows(payments) of cash during a particular period. Here are the cash flow statement class 12 notes.

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Format of Cash Flow Statement

A. Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Net profit before tax
Adjustments for non-cash & non-operating items:
Add: Depreciation
Preliminary Expenses
Goodwill, Patents & trademarks amortized
Interest paid on short-term & long-term borrowings
Interest paid on Bank overdraft
Loss on sale of fixed assets
Increase in provision for doubtful debts
Less: Interest Income
Dividend Income
Rental Income
Gain on Sale of fixed assets
Decrease in provision for doubtful debts
Operating Profit Before Working Capital Changes
Add: Decrease in Current Assets
Increase in Current Liabilities
Less: Increase in Current Assets
Decrease in Current Liabilities
Cash Generated from Operations
Less: Income Tax paid
Net cash from (or used in) Operating Activity
B. Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Proceeds from the sale of intangible fixed assets
Proceed from the sale of intangible fixed assets like goodwill
Proceeds from the sale of non-current investments
Interest & Dividend received
Rent received
Purchase of tangible fixed assets
purchase of intangible fixed assets like goodwill
Purchase of non-current investment
Net Cash from (or used in) Investing Activities
C. Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Proceed from the issue of shares & debentures
Proceed from other long-term borrowings
Proceed from short-term borrowings
Payment of interim dividend
Payment of proposed dividend of the previous year
Interest paid on short-term & long-term borrowing
Interest paid on Bank Overdraft
Repayment of loans
Redemption of Debentures
Net Cash from (or used in) Financing Activities
Net Increase(or decrease) in cash & cash equivalents (A+B+C)
Add: Cash & Cash equivalent at the beginning of the year
Cash & Cash equivalents at the end of the yearxx
Cash Flow Statement

Calculation of Net Profit Before Tax

ParticularsAmt. (Rs)
Net Profit of the current yearx
Add: Transfer of Reserves
Proposed dividend of the previous year
Interim dividend paid during the year
Provision of Tax
Less: Refund of Taxx
Net Profit Before Taxxx
Net profit before tax

Treatment of Provision for Tax

If only balances of tax provision are given then the previous year’s provision is treated as tax paid & current year’s provision is treated as provision made.

If some adjustment is given along with balances of tax provision then provision for tax A/c is maintained.

Bank A/c (Tax paid)xBal. b/dx
Bal. c/dxP/L A/c (Provision made)x
Provision for Tax A/c

Treatment of Machinery sold & purchased

Bal. b/dxDepreciation A/cx
P/L A/c (Profit on Sale)xBank A/c (Sale of Machinery)x
Bank A/c (Purchase of Machinery)xP/L A/c (Loss on Sale of Machinery)x
Bal. c/dx
Machinery A/c

If along with balances of machinery, the balance of accumulated depreciation is also given;

Bal. b/dxAccumulated Depreciation A/cx
P & L A/c ( Profit on Sale of Machinery)xBank A/c (Sale of Machinery)x
Bank A/c (Purchase of Machinery)xP & L A/c (Loss on Sale of Machinery)x
Bal. c/dx
Machinery A/c
Machinery A/cxBal. b/dx
Bal. c/dxDepreciation A/cx
Provision for Depreciation A/c

Treatment of Proposed Dividend: The current year’s proposed dividend is not to be used. The previous year is taken as a dividend paid as well as the dividend proposed.

Points to Remember

  • A Bank Overdraft is a current liability shown in the Balance Sheet but in the cash flow statement, it is always treated as a loan.
  • If the value of intangible assets is reduced, it is added to operating activity but if the value of intangible assets is increased, it is adjusted in investing activity.
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