Fundamentals of Partnership Class 12 Notes

This chapter is the most important as without understanding the fundamentals of Partnership, you can not understand further concepts of Partnership. Here are the fundamentals of partnership class 12 notes.

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Rules for Partnership

Fundamentals of Partnership Class 12 Notes
Fundamentals of Partnership

Accounting if there is no partnership deed:

  1. The profits will be shared equally.
  2. No interest on capital will be provided to any partner.
  3. No interest on drawings will be charged.
  4. No salary, bonus, commission, or any kind of remuneration will be provided.
  5. If there is any loan taken by a firm from the partner, interest at 6% per annum will be allowed to the partner.

Recording of Partnership Transactions

1) P/L Appropriation A/c (Belonging to firms)
2) Partner’s Current/Capital A/cs (Belonging to Partners)

Format of P/L Appropriation A/c

Profit and Loss A/c
(Net Loss)
Profit and Loss A/c
(Net Profit)
Interest on Capital A/c
A: –
B: –
Interest on Drawings A/c
B: —
Salary A/c /Commission A/c
Reserve A/c
Divisible Profit:
A: –
B: –
P/L Appropriation A/c

Journal Entries regarding P/L A/c

1) For Transfer of Net Profit

P/L A/c Dr.
To P/L Appropriation A/c

2) For Transfer of Net Loss

P/L Appropriation A/c Dr.
To P/L A/c

3) For Interest on Capital

P/L Appropriation A/c Dr.
To IOC A/c

IOC A/c Dr.
To Partner’s Capital/Current A/c

4) For any kind of Salary, Bonus, Commission to Partner

P/L Appropriation A/c Dr.
To Salary/Commission/Bonus A/c

Salary/Commission/Bonus A/c Dr.
To Partner’s Capital/Current A/c

5) For Interest on Drawings

IOD A/c Dr.
To P/L Appropriation A/c

Partner’s Capital/Current A/c Dr.
To IOD A/c

6) For Divisible Profit/Loss

P/L Appropriation A/c Dr. (For Profit)
To Partner’s Capital/Current A/c

Partners Capital/Current A/c Dr. (For Loss)
To P/L Appropriation A/c

7) For Interest on Loan

IOL A/c Dr. (Due)
To Partner’s Loan A/c

P/L A/c Dr. (Charge from P/L A/c)
To IOL A/c

Charge Against Profit Vs Appropriation of Profits

Charge Against ProfitAppropriation of Profits
1) It is debited to P/L A/c.1) It is debited to P/L Appropriation A/c.
2) Examples: Interest on loan, Rent, Manager’s commission, etc.2) Examples: Interest on Capital, Salary to Partner, Partner’s commission, general reserve, etc.
Difference between Charge against Profit and Appropriation of Profits

Partner’s Capital Accounts

Fundamentals of Partnership Class 12 Notes

There are two methods of maintaining a partner’s capital accounts. These are as follows:

1) Fluctuating Capital Method

Under this method, only a single Capital A/c is maintained.

Partner’s Capital A/c

Bal. b/dBal. b/d
Drawings A/cCash/Bank A/c
P/L Appropriation A/cSalary/Commission A/c
Bal. c/dP/L Appropriation A/c
Partner’s Capital A/c

2) Fixed Capital Method

Under this method, two accounts are maintained as follows:

Partner’s Capital A/c

Bank A/c
Bal. b/d
Bal. c/dBank A/c
(additional capital)
Partner’s Capital A/c

Partner’s Current A/c

IOD A/cBal. b/d
Drawings A/cIOC A/c
Bal. c/dSalary/Commission A/c
P/L Appropriation A/c
Partner’s Current A/c

Calculation of Interest on Capitals

  • Interest on Capital will only be provided if it is given in the deed.
  • Interest on Capital will be provided concerning time and capital.
  • Interest on Capital will always be provided on opening capital.
  • Opening Capital = Closing Capital- Profit+ Drawing- Additional Capital

Note: In case nothing is mentioned in the question, the period will not be considered.

Calculation of Interest on Drawings

  • Interest on Drawings is to be charged only if it is provided in the deed.
  • Interest on drawings is calculated from the time of withdrawal of the amount.
  • If the time of withdrawal is not given then interest will be charged for 6 months on the whole amount.

Methods of Calculation of Interest on Drawings

1) Simple Method

IOD = Total Drawings*Rate/100*Month/12

2) Product Method

IOD = Total Product*Rate/100*1/12

Calculation of IOD if drawings are made monthly/quarterly

Type of DrawingsFormula of IOD
b) If drawings are made at the beginning of every monthTotal Drawings*R/100*6.5/12
b) If drawings are made in the middle of every monthTotal Drawings*R/100*6/12
c) If drawings are made at the end of every monthTotal Drawings*R/100*5.5/12
d) If drawings are made at the beginning of every quarterTotal Drawings*R/100*7.5/12
e) If drawings are made in the middle of every quarterTotal Drawings*R/100*6/12
f) If drawings are made at the end of every quarterTotal Drawings*R/100*4.5/12
Interest on Drawings Calculation

Accounting Treatment of Interest on Capital

SituationAccounting Treatment
1) When the deed is silent.No interest on capital
2) The Partnership Deed is present but no provision for IOC, profits are sufficient.Interest on capital is provided
3) The Deed is present but no provision for IOC, there is a loss.No interest on capital is provided
4) The Deed is present but no provision for IOC, profits are insufficient.Profits are distributed in the ratio of interest
5) The Deed is present stating to take IOC as charge.Full interest on Capital is provided
Situations in Interest on Capital

Note: If the appropriations are more than the profit, in this case, the profits will be distributed amongst the partners in the ratio of appropriations.

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