Principles of Management Important Questions

Principles of Management Important Questions
Principles of Management Important Questions

Understanding the Principles of Management is crucial for Class 12 Business Studies students. Below are some important questions along with their answers to help in revision and exam preparation.

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Principles of Management Important Questions

1. What are the Principles of Management?

Answer: Principles of Management are fundamental guidelines that help in decision-making and efficient management of an organization. These principles were developed by Henry Fayol and F.W. Taylor.

2. Who is the ‘Father of General Management’ and why?

Answer: Henry Fayol is known as the ‘Father of General Management’ because he introduced 14 principles of management, which are widely used in managerial decision-making.

3. State any four principles of Fayol’s management.


  1. Division of Work – Specialization increases efficiency and productivity.
  2. Unity of Command – An employee should receive orders from only one superior.
  3. Scalar Chain – A clear chain of command should be maintained.
  4. Equity – Managers should treat employees fairly and with respect.

4. What is meant by ‘Scientific Management’?

Answer: Scientific Management is a theory developed by F.W. Taylor that focuses on improving productivity through scientific analysis of work methods, training, and incentives.

5. Mention any two techniques of Scientific Management.


  1. Time Study – Determines the standard time required to perform a task.
  2. Functional Foremanship – Divides managerial and supervisory tasks among different specialists.

6. Differentiate between Unity of Command and Unity of Direction.


BasisUnity of CommandUnity of Direction
MeaningOne employee receives orders from one superior.One unit, one plan, one head.
FocusIndividual employeeEntire organization
AimAvoids confusion and conflictEnsures coordination and efficiency

7. Why are management principles important?

Answer: Management principles are important because they:

  • Provide guidelines for decision-making.
  • Improve efficiency and productivity.
  • Ensure smooth functioning of an organization.

8. Explain ‘Espirit de Corps’ and its importance.

Answer: Espirit de Corps means team spirit. It encourages unity, coordination, and cooperation among employees, leading to better performance and organizational success.

9. What is the significance of ‘Authority and Responsibility’ in management?

Answer: Authority and Responsibility go hand in hand. A manager should have the right to give orders (authority) and must take responsibility for decisions made.

10. What is meant by ‘Remuneration’ in Fayol’s principles?

Answer: Remuneration refers to fair compensation to employees for their work. It helps in maintaining motivation and job satisfaction.

11. What is meant by ‘Order’ in Fayol’s principles?

Answer: The principle of order states that there should be a place for everything and everything should be in its place to ensure efficiency.

12. What is ‘Discipline’ in management principles?

Answer: Discipline in management means obedience, respect for agreements, and adherence to rules to maintain a productive work environment.

13. Define ‘Initiative’ in management principles.

Answer: Initiative refers to encouraging employees to take creative steps and propose solutions to improve the organization.

14. What is meant by ‘Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest’?

Answer: This principle states that an individual’s personal interests should not take precedence over the organization’s interests.

15. What is ‘Centralization and Decentralization’?

Answer: Centralization refers to decision-making being concentrated at the top level, while decentralization allows decision-making to be distributed among lower levels of management.

16. What is the ‘Stability of Tenure’ principle?

Answer: Stability of tenure means employees should have job security and not be frequently replaced, as it affects productivity and morale.

17. How does the ‘Scalar Chain’ principle help in communication?

Answer: The Scalar Chain ensures a clear line of authority and communication from top management to the lowest level, reducing confusion and delays.

18. What is the principle of ‘Equity’ in management?

Answer: Equity means managers should be fair and kind to employees, ensuring a sense of justice and equal treatment.

19. What is the importance of ‘Division of Work’?

Answer: Division of Work leads to specialization, making employees more skilled and efficient, which increases productivity.

20. How does ‘Cooperation, Not Individualism’ apply to Scientific Management?

Answer: Taylor emphasized teamwork over individual efforts to improve efficiency and output in the workplace.

21. What is the role of ‘Standardization’ in Scientific Management?

Answer: Standardization involves setting uniform processes, materials, and methods to improve efficiency and consistency in work.

22. What is ‘Mental Revolution’ in Taylor’s Scientific Management?

Answer: Mental Revolution refers to changing the mindset of both workers and managers to work together for the organization’s betterment rather than individual gains.

23. What is ‘Differential Piece Rate System’?

Answer: Taylor introduced this system where efficient workers are paid at a higher rate than less efficient workers to encourage productivity.

24. What does ‘Gang Plank’ mean in Fayol’s Scalar Chain?

Answer: Gang Plank allows direct communication between employees of the same level in an emergency, bypassing the formal scalar chain.

25. How does ‘Harmony, Not Discord’ improve management efficiency?

Answer: Taylor emphasized friendly relations between managers and workers, reducing conflicts and increasing productivity.

26. What is ‘Science, Not Rule of Thumb’ in Scientific Management?

Answer: Taylor suggested using scientific methods rather than traditional practices to increase efficiency in work.

27. What is ‘Fatigue Study’ in Scientific Management?

Answer: Fatigue Study determines the ideal work-rest schedule to maximize productivity without exhausting workers.

28. What is the importance of ‘Work Study’ in management?

Answer: Work Study analyzes different elements of work such as motion, time, and fatigue to improve efficiency.

29. How does ‘Functional Foremanship’ help in Scientific Management?

Answer: Functional Foremanship divides supervision into specialized functions, making management more efficient.

30. What is ‘Simplification of Work’?

Answer: Simplification of Work involves eliminating unnecessary diversity of products to enhance efficiency and reduce costs.

Final Thoughts

These questions cover key concepts from the chapter Principles of Management in Class 12 Business Studies. Reviewing them thoroughly will help in scoring well in exams. Keep practicing and stay confident!

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